My photo
Belltown/Seattle, Washington, United States
I'm a guy who used to write lots and lots of music. My lack of success became a little troubling, so now I write about Belltown and photograph squirrels. You got a problem with that?

18 Seconds of Not Much RIP

I'm not sure whether anybody reads this blog or not, but by the frequency of postings over the last few months, you can probably tell that my zeal for 18 Seconds of Not Much has waned. Boy, has it ever. When I first started the series, it was fantastic; I needed only to look out my window and I had a subject. I used to go out for walks and come back with 6-10 new little films. Matching it up with music was really fun. There were always so many choices I could make! I could either set the grainy visuals literally or completely independent to the action taking place or a hybrid of those two. From May to July, everything breezed along nicely. The way things were going, I expected the final total of the series to number in the thousands.

In mid-July, I got a job in Pioneer Square. You can tell that because the subjects shift from mostly around Belltown to the Pioneer/Occidental Square area. For a while, once again, this was very fertile ground for footage. It was summer and lots of things were going on. But then I found myself seeing the same things over and over again; pigeons - check, traffic - check, ships on Elliott Bay - check, rain - check, random street scenes - check, construction - check, dogs - check, etc. If I could have come up with additional visuals, I'd still be working on this project, but alas, I just simply grew tired of doing the same thing again and again. Don't get me wrong - I really do love this project and I feel like I've done some very good work here. But I feel that I've taken it as far as it can go. I find myself finally yearning to do bigger projects. And yes, I remember that my one huge undertaking, Mackris v. O'Reilly, just about killed me. But that fact is no longer a deterrent. Although by that way lies madness, at least it will probably be a familiar madness.

So let's bid a fond farewell to 18 Seconds of Not Much.

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