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Belltown/Seattle, Washington, United States
I'm a guy who used to write lots and lots of music. My lack of success became a little troubling, so now I write about Belltown and photograph squirrels. You got a problem with that?

One Day Wonder #54

For 1 horn, 3 trumpets, 2 trombones and tuba.

I had the urge to write a march, so I did. And it turned out quite good. This one is in 6/8. It’s got that “football feel” because it’s in 6/8, plus there’s some chromatic movement in the melody and the three trumpets get to rule the roost for much of the time. Out of the two other marches I’ve done, I like this one exactly as much as the others. By now, my marches are all falling into the same form: intro, A theme, B theme, A theme with counter-melody, transition, trio, A theme with different counter-melody, outro. That’s how it works. I'm not sure whether this is the true march structure, but it works nicely for something that's two minutes long. I’ll write another one soon.

Click on the title to listen.

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