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Belltown/Seattle, Washington, United States
I'm a guy who used to write lots and lots of music. My lack of success became a little troubling, so now I write about Belltown and photograph squirrels. You got a problem with that?

One Day Wonder #63

For 2 horns, 2 trombones and tuba.

OK, this and #64 are underhanded cheats. I wrote these tunes almost two years ago. The aim was to start up an eclectic band that would play all manner of music that my jazz group could or would not. Most of that would include a lot of faux-ethnic stuff, because I’m all about the faux. The entire venture hinged on my learning how to play the clarinet. I’ve always liked the clarinet – until I tried to play it. After three fruitless months of frustration and terrible sounds, I gave up. These days, I think that it is an awful, awful instrument - moody, unpredictable and illogical. I’m a sax player; not a clarinetist. I’m also not from the Balkans or Central Europe. That’s the whole truth. All I can do is fake Eastern European stuff, and I think this is a good fake of mournful mid-central European cafĂ© music. Whether you agree or not, you’ll have to admit that the tune is pretty sweet. And the tune is all you get. All that I offer here is the basic AABA form and then it ends. I blame that lack of elaboration on my own laziness. It was a really nice spring day and I was antsy - not that there was whole lot to do outside, other than fend off panhandlers in their spring clothing. Anyhow, since this piece is all about melody, I let it be just that.

Click on the title to listen.

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