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Belltown/Seattle, Washington, United States
I'm a guy who used to write lots and lots of music. My lack of success became a little troubling, so now I write about Belltown and photograph squirrels. You got a problem with that?

One Day Wonder #91

For 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones and tuba.

Take two! I kept the same form, switched things around and it turned out much better. I gave the horns the A section, lengthened it by giving the trumpets fills, gave the trumpets the B section, left everything pretty much as it was (I really dig the C and D sections, so why not?), then swapped the trumpets and horns for the final A section and cut out the fills. Yes, it’s very similar to #90, but once again, I needed to sleep on it to figure out precisely what went wrong. So maybe it doesn’t sound like genuine mariachi music, but so what? It conveys the feel, sweet people! Everything I do here is filtered through the lens of whatever I think I've heard. Since I'm averse to analysis, I'll just hunt around till something sounds right. It works about 80% of the time. This is one case where it didn't go right at the beginning, but ended righteously.

Speaking of analysis, I realize its importance and all, but it can only help you so much. I'm the first to admit that I don't do it enough, simply because it bores me. Do I sound like Philistine yet? I make myself feel better about my laziness by telling myself that it's a more useful tool if you want to imitate somebody else's music rather than create your own. Yeah, I know, it's ironic, because I'm imitating all kinds of genres with this project. Luckily, most are harmonically simple, so that lets me off the hook. So there's a logic to my indolence!

Click on the title to listen.

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