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Belltown/Seattle, Washington, United States
I'm a guy who used to write lots and lots of music. My lack of success became a little troubling, so now I write about Belltown and photograph squirrels. You got a problem with that?

One Day Wonder #90

For 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones and tuba.

After finishing #83, I wanted to write a mariachi tune. That piece was an accident, but it got me to thinking about writing one intentionally. The only problem is that this first try isn't all that good. The terse stop-time of the first A section was not the best choice I could have made. In fact up until the C section (the intro is passable, however), it just doesn’t work. The A section sounds rushed and the harmonic lift at the end of it sounds weird. A lot of what goes wrong here has to do with instrumentation. The conept is solid, but it begs for improvement. I’ll tackle it tomorrow. I’m sorry for all the revisions, but perhaps someday, I’ll incorporate some kind of critical thinking into my initial approach.

Click on the title to listen.

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