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Belltown/Seattle, Washington, United States
I'm a guy who used to write lots and lots of music. My lack of success became a little troubling, so now I write about Belltown and photograph squirrels. You got a problem with that?

One Day Wonder #12

For 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones and tuba.

I was fresh out of ideas for this one, so I just started writing. All I had were time and key signatures (6/8 and Eb, respectively). I was up housesitting at my parents’ place way out in the sticks, so I had all creation as my inspiration. Hey, I’m no Beethoven, trudging his way through the woods looking psychotic, but I was ready for nature to guide me. Well, that was quickly a bust. Nature didn't tell me squat. After a few unsuccessful ideas, I figured that I’d take a stab at minimalism. This is what I got in return. It’s not minimalism at all; there’s much more going on. The interweaving eighth-note lines are a driving blend of consonance, dissonance and unison that try to highlight the triplet feel of 6/8. True, those lines evolve slowly, but this doesn’t employ the soul-crushing repetition that has put minimalism on the map. In the meantime, the trombones and tuba chime in with ascending and descending quarter-note lines. At certain points, the trumpets come in with an actual tune. What we get is a weird, snaky, echo-like piece that manages some lyricism above all that (necessary and meaningful) repetition. This is a really fine piece. It's why I started this project. I figured that a gem like this would pop up from out of nowhere at some point in time. I just didn't think it would happen so soon.

Click on the title to listen.

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